Services & Pricing
Dissertation template downloads
Description of standard sections and content (as part of template)
Auto-update table of contents (as part of template)
Videos and tips for do-it-yourself editing
Easy-to-use APA 7th edition checklist
List of grants for research funding
Citations & References Edit + Table of Contents Creation
$500 (plus or minus $200 depending on length of reference section, density of citations, and current APA compliance)
This level takes care of the typically most challenging parts for the do-it-yourself student with strong writing skills.
Auto-update table of contents created for you
Citations and references in APA format
Total APA Format & Style
$1400 (plus or minus $500 depending on length, number of tables and figures, and current APA compliance)
This level is sufficient if you have strong writing and research skills.
Auto-update table of contents created for you
APA compliance for punctuation, capitalization, statistical symbols, numbers
Missing parts of references found and inserted
References checked to match in-text citations
Comprehensive Edit With Consultations on Meeting Advisors’ Expectations
$2400 (plus or minus $600 depending on actual time expended)
Total APA format and style
Corrections for grammar and professional tone
Help with organization and logical flow
Correcting format of tables and figures
Missing parts of references found and inserted
References checked to match in-text citations
Additional services can be added for whatever ethical measures it takes to get you graduated.
Negotiable Extras
Advice and assistance in meeting advisor’s specific requests
Forms for timeline creation, deadline tracking, and Powerpoint presentation
Strategizing about political aspects of the process
Rush job surcharge
Help contracting with a statistician to look over the analysis and interpretation of results (when your committee doesn’t have this expertise or hasn't time to help)
Help finding a research assistant who can work on qualitative analysis
Fact-checking or updating old references
DOI & URL insertion if required by your school
If you are just starting the comprehensive exam and/or proposal, you might want help to brainstorm about topics and research questions, select an appropriate method and design that will facilitate smooth progress, refine your data collection procedures, and select fitting strategies and tools for analysis. If you don’t have sufficient time to write, you can audio record your ideas, email the audio file, and have help to organize your ideas. For interview transcription, using voice-to-text or subcontracting can save you time. After graduation, you might want help to condense your content into a shorter format, such as a journal article, and investigate suitable sources for publication.
Payment Methods
I request an estimated half up front. I can receive Venmo, or Paypal (with credit card option). I also accept money orders or personal checks thru postal mail, usually as a slower second-installment option.